Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cops: Hospital worker accused of rape kept working

Cops: Hospital worker accused of rape kept working
Seattle PI November 26, 2014

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut police say a hospital allowed a nursing assistant to continue working there for three months after a patient reported being raped by him.
The Connecticut Post reports ( ) that Gonzalo Flores was charged Tuesday with raping a paralyzed male patient in March at St. Vincent's Medical Center. He was already awaiting trial on charges he sexually assaulted another patient in June.
An arrest warrant says Flores admitted having other sexual encounters with patients.
The affidavit says the hospital's director of safety and security told police he knew about the allegation in March but could not substantiate it.
Flores' lawyer declined to comment.
Hospital spokeswoman Caryn S. Kaufman said Tuesday that St. Vincent's takes complaints by patients and staff very seriously and investigates all claims.